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[linrad] Re: KNOPPIX.iso file

I just wanted to say thank you for the nice piece of work
you did here! Couple weeks ago I burnt the first .iso version
to disk and I was really surprised to see Knoppix boot and
come up into x-windows; I was just curious.
I have yet to run up Linrad, too many other things demand
my productive awake time, I get home from work these days
and I am exhausted, (I have CLL stage 0+)  Have a good
and restfully holiday Roger!

Warm Regards & 73's de wb9own

dave garnier

w3sz wrote:

Hello, all, again!

As you have noted, Rein W6/PA0ZN has generously alotted space for the time being for the KNOPPIX.iso file on his excellent Linrad Database page. The link can be found on the W6/PA0ZN Linrad Database home page, at

I have also added to my webpages [also on Rein's site] a webpage that has a bit of explanatory text regarding the Linrad-Knoppix Starter CD at:
URL: http://www.nitehawk.com/w3sz/linrad_knoppix.htm

This is pretty much what I had sent around before, but now in HTML format for easier reading, and with some additions/improvements.
Any suggestions on how to improve on either the CD or the 
Documentation  will be most appreciated.
Reports of successes and failures would also be most welcome.  In 
each  case, listing the
Computer Model [if commercial],
CPU type and speed,
mother board,
Video Card,
Sound Card[s],
Mouse Type [PS2, USB, etc]

would be most helpful.

This is the same info that we should all be entering on Rein's Linrad Database page, with a few additions that I think are important in figuring out what works and doesn't work with each Linux distro.
Yesterday I tried the Linrad-Knoppix CD on the  
1.4GHz/Radeon/Delta44/Soundblaster and  
3.0GHz/IntelExtremeGraphics2/Delta44/OnboardSound P4's at Hilltop.   
XWindows worked in both, and svgalib worked and Linrad came up after 
I  selected the VESA drivers in libvga.config.  I get 48 KHz [not 96 
KHz]  bandwidth in I/Q mode with the stock ALSA drivers in Knoppix, 
but didn't  get the proper input from the Delta44/ WSE units for some 
reason [i.e., I  didn't see/hear the 2 meter signals I expected to 
see/hear, and that I DID  see/hear when I rebooted into Fedora Core 
3].  It may just be ALSA mixer  settings.  If so, that would be very 
nice as it would mean that installing  OSS or doing ANYTHING with the 
sound drivers is NOT NECESSARY with KNOPPIX  3.8.1. with 'the usual' 
hardware.  That would be great!  But at the  minimum, it looks like 
mixer / switch settings need to be fooled with.
So Knoppix has now allowed access to XWindows in 7 of 7 computers I 
tried  it on, and Linrad has come up in reasonable if not perfect 
fashion in 5 of  the 7 with little difficulty.
Has anyone else gotten proper Linrad input/output with the Delta44 
running  at 96KHz using the STOCK ALSA drivers?  If so, I don't have 
to worry about  how to make OSS an easily installed 'option' [I don't 
want to install it  if it is not needed, as that will complicate things].
I think Ramiro's idea of producing standard .deb packages for Linrad 
and  svgalib is an excellent one.  I'd also like to fix [i.e. remove] 
some of  the security/safety features of Knoppix that can make it 
difficult to play  with, make a version where OSS is present and 
easily installed IF NEEDED  [perhaps it won't be needed], clean up the 
CD, etc...


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