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[linrad] Re: 'setgid' problem with linradknoppix-2005-05-15

Thanks Roger,

Nothing new here. I just want to correct my typo, as I
checked out the ISO, and noticed that it was indexed as
linradknoppix-2005-05-15 (not ending -05-05). Working
from memory is sooo dangerous ("tankero" like we say).

There is indeed NO problem with your Live-CD.

                               73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA/2

At 16:29 27.5.2005 +0000, W3SZ wrote:

Hi, Zaba,

Thanks for the note!

Note to all on the list: what Zaba and I are discussing is NOT a problem for those using the CD as it was intended, booting from the CD.
It is ONLY a problem for the 'developers' installing to HD.

Now to continue...I did not knowingly make any change in security when I updated the disk, so perhaps it was one of the updated Knoppix files.
I would suggest trying the following:

boot up with CD

goto /etc directory for the HD install from there [or chroot it] and the add zaba to the users list with a notation like:

or if that doesn't work, perhaps

zaba ALL = (ALL) ALL

Also try adding the line:

Defaults               !authenticate

This may not be exactly right as I am at work without Linux, and there are no guarantees ;)
BUt its worth a try.

I will work on this today and over the weekend as I get time. But I am on call both Saturday and SUnday and so likely will not get much fun stuff done.


> Sir Roger,
> I have only one SATA-drive, and I have used it only once with
> the Abit IC7 system to make a backup of my Win2k *.doc files.
> My other motherboards don't have SATA-connectors, so I cannot
> comment on the Linux-features, sorry.
> I will try the 'sudo su' trick with the HD-install. Running
> from CDR does not pose any problems as a simple 'su' changes
> it to super-user #_prompt without a password. It works just
> like before; the HD-install presented this new problem.
> Google gives a lot of links to "setgid", but it takes too
> much mental energy to study it right now, as it deals with
> concepts new to me, and I'm trying to concentrate on building
> and modifying a couple of 70 MHz preamps/converters instead.
> It would be fun to have the WSE-units running on 70 MHz RX.
>                                        73, "Zaba" OH1ZAA/2
> At 14:34 27.5.2005, W3SZ wrote:
> >Hi, Zaba,
> >
> >I can use the root shell and sudo without a password when running from the
> >CD.
> >
> >But when running from a HD install, I have a similar problem.  Although I
> >can change the password with sudo passwd root, the change doesn't 'take'
> >and I can never get the root terminal window to work from the HD install.
> >Similarly, when I try to use su or sudo alone it is the same.  But 'sudo
> >su' works.  Why???  I don't know.
> >
> >Zaba, do you have the problem when running from the CD, or just from HD?
> >I don't have the problem with CD, just when booting from HD.
> >
> >I have a related problem for which I am asking for help from the real
> >Linux gurus [including you ;) ].
> >
> >My new system for experimenting with this uses SATA drives.  Knoppix has
> >no problem with them.  I put 4 10-GB Knoppix installations on one of the
> >drives [one each for ALSA and OSS experimental and final] with no
> >problem.  But my Debian Network installer disk that we decided was the way
> >to go for Debian a couple of months ago [discussed on the list] doesn't
> >see the SATA drives at all.  I thought I would get around this by
> >installing Knoppix using a 'Debian-type' install on the hard drive, done
> >via 'sudo knoppix-installer'.  But even a Debian style install is too far
> >from the standard Debian for my liking.
> >
> >Does anyone know how I can get 'real' Debian installed on my 'Debian'
> >partition when all I have are SATA drives?
> >
> >I will continue looking into the 'root' and 'passwd' issue.  I spent
> >several hours on it last night before discovering/remembering the 'sudo
> >su' workaround.
> >
> >Thanks, and 73,
> >
> >Roger
> >W3SZ
> >
> >
> >
> >On Fri, 27 May 2005 05:32:32 -0400, 'Zaba' OH1ZAA <zaba@xxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>Hello all,
> >>
> >>Finally I got Roger's latest ISO burned successfully; it seems
> >>that the previous failure was due to the DVD/DL burner or Nero-
> >>software as it has failed before (it may even be a bug on the
> >>Abit IC-7 system). Well, the Acer laptop delivered a good CDR.
> >>
> >>SETGID-problem: Like before I installed the contents of the
> >>Live-CD onto the HD, and everything went well, except when
> >>trying to access root privileges. I could log in as a normal
> >>user using the password, but when trying to become super-user
> >>the password failed. I do know that the password is right, as
> >>I get "Admission not permitted" (or similar) with a wrong one.
> >>
> >>With the correct password I get a setgid-failure: something
> >>like "Authorization.... (my memory is failing already...).
> >>
> >>Maybe it is of importance that I am using the same password
> >>for user and administrator, but this did not seem to matter
> >>in former Knoppix releases. Experimenting gets a bit heavy,
> >>if one needs to reinstall the whole CDR in order to find out.
> >>
> >>                     73, "Zaba"  OH1ZAA/2
> >>
> >
> >>
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> >
> >--
> >Roger Rehr
> >W3SZ
> >http://www.qsl.net/w3sz
> >

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