= G * ( Tampl
 + Tsource
= Noise temperature at amplifier output in degrees Kelvin.
= Power gain in linear scale. A 20 dB amplifier has G=100.
= Noise temperature of amplifier.
= Noise temperature of source.
This formula can be applied to a chain of amplifiers.
from one amplifier will be
for the next amplifier in a chain of amplifiers.
By setting up
for the last amplifier in a chain of amplifiers and then
comparing it to the
one would have obtained with all
= 0 one gets the total degradation caused by the noise contributions
from all the amplifiers in the amplifier chain.
The total degradation is the ratio between temperatures (powers)
and it is usually expressed in dB.
Noise figures, although expressed in dB, do not express the system
degradation directly unless the antenna temperature happens to
be 290K
Noise figure and noise temperature of attenuators.
When analysing a receiver to find out where the different noise
contributions come from and by how much they contribute to the
total noise floor at the loudspeaker output one has to take
losses in filters, cables and attenuators into account.
An attenuator is an amplifier with
G below 1 and with a temperature at the
output that goes asymptotically towards the physical temperature.
The same formula is valid for amplifiers and attenuators:
= Gatt
* ( Tatt
 + Tsource
as an example, consider a 30dB attenuator connected to
a resistor at room temperature.
It is obvious that
will be 290K since both the source and the attenuator
are resistive losses at this temperature.
The formula gives:
290 = 0.001 * ( Tatt + 290 )
or Tatt = 289710K.
The noise temperature of an attenuator may be much higher
than the physical temperature.
This may seem strange at a first glance, but it is a natural
consequence of the noise temperature definition.
The ideal amplifier in this case is the attenuator held at 0K.
The resistor at the input defining noise temperature of the
amplifier (attenuator) has to be really hot to make the noise
temperature at the output 290K after 30dB noiseless attenuation!
With source and attenuator both at 290K, the output temperature will
be 290K regardless of gain (attenuation). This leads to:
= 290 * ( 1/Gatt
- 1)
The noise figure can be calculated from Tout
calculated with this value and Tout calculated with
Tatt = 0.
Not very surprising, this ratio turns out to be
1/Gatt which means that
the noise figure of an attenuator is the same as the attenuation in dB!
Amplifier with attenuator in front of it
The output temperature of an attenuator followed by an
amplifier will be:
 = Gampl
* ( Tampl
 + Gatt
* ( Tatt
 + Tsource
) )
The noise figure can be calculated from Tout
calculated with this value and Tout calculated with
Tampl = 0 and
Tatt = 0.
Comparing the ratio to the expression for the noise figure of
the preamp allone one finds that the noise figure of
an attenuator preceding a preamplifier is the noise figure of
the preamplifier plus the attenuation of the attenuator in dB.
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