(Jan 29 2013)

The signal source is described here: Impedances of source, load and DUTs. where also the first section of the receiver is described.

The rest of the receiver is described here: Measurement system November 2012 An amplifier with a PSA4-5043 was inserted between the 3dB pad on the circulator and the measurement system.

The Linrad S-meter is set to show dBm and the different DUTs are inserted and removed a couple of times. The average of the RMS power is computed (Linrad-03.47 and later.) Figure 1 shows the resulting screen for DUT2.

Figure 1. The signal level with and without DUT2. The average levels are 41.7695 and 41.7098 for an insertion loss of 0.0597 dB.

device        Mismatch   Insertion    Dissipative
               loss        loss         loss
               (dB)        (dB)         (dB)
Tx port      0.00005        - 
DUT1         0.16591      0.1753        0.0094
DUT2         0.00005      0.0597        0.0597
DUT3         0.00071      0.0290        0.0283
DUT4         0.00022      0.0590        0.0588
DUT13        0.16672      0.2041        0.0374
DUT31        0.17655      0.2294        0.0528
DUT123       0.16538      0.2696        0.1042
DUT132       0.16572      0.2631        0.0974
DUT312       0.17788      0.2930        0.1151
DUT213       0.16719      0.2815        0.1143
DUT231       0.17039      0.2802        0.1098 
DUT42        0.00022      0.1188        0.1186
DUT24        0.00034      0.1195        0.1192
DUT34        0.00060      0.0874        0.0868
DUT43        0.00106      0.0889        0.0878
DUT32        0.00064      0.0897        0.0891
DUT23        0.00128      0.0903        0.0890

Table 1 Mismatch, insertion and dissipative losses from direct measurements.

Dissipative losses are additive. Table 1 does not look good, the dissipative losses of e.g. DUT13 and DUT31 should be equal.

Table 1 is computed under the assumption that a the female BNC to female BNC adapter does not change the impedance. Without a precision calibration kit for both genders of BNC connectors it is not so easy to know, but after a small adjustment of the impedance for the Rx port it looks better. See table 2.

device    Mismatch   Insertion  Dissipative   Fitted     Diff
           loss        loss         loss       loss
           (dB)        (dB)         (dB)       (dB)      (dB)
Tx port   0.0004     0.0000       0.0000     0.0000
   DUT1   0.1565     0.1753       0.0180     0.0196     0.0016
   DUT2   0.0004     0.0597       0.0586     0.0600     0.0014
   DUT3   0.0005     0.0290       0.0278     0.0288     0.0010
   DUT4   0.0005     0.0590       0.0578     0.0581     0.0003
  DUT13   0.1576     0.2041       0.0457     0.0484     0.0027
  DUT31   0.1796     0.2294       0.0491     0.0484    -0.0007 
 DUT123   0.1558     0.2696       0.1131     0.1084    -0.0047 
 DUT132   0.1566     0.2631       0.1057     0.1084     0.0027
 DUT312   0.1810     0.2930       0.1113     0.1084    -0.0029
 DUT213   0.1766     0.2815       0.1041     0.1084     0.0043
 DUT231   0.1680     0.2802       0.1115     0.1084    -0.0031 
  DUT42   0.0005     0.1188       0.1176     0.1181     0.0005
  DUT24   0.0008     0.1195       0.1180     0.1181     0.0001
  DUT34   0.0007     0.0874       0.0860     0.0869     0.0009
  DUT43   0.0002     0.0897       0.0888     0.0869    -0.0019 
  DUT32   0.0004     0.0897       0.0885     0.0888     0.0003
  DUT23   0.0022     0.0903       0.0874     0.0888     0.0014

Table 2 Mismatch, insertion and dissipative losses from direct measurements after adjusting the Rx port impedance from (49.48,-j0.26) to (49.57,-j0.85). The column Fitted loss is computed from the assumption that the dissipative losses are additive and that the dissipative losses of DUT1 to DUT4 are as listed.

The dissipative loss in one of the DUTs consists of cable losses and connector losses. The length of a BNC connector pair is about 20 mm. Table 3 lists the lengths of DUT1 to DUT4 and a guess for the losses of the connector pair that makes the loss per meter in the cable the same for DUT2 to DUT4 cables.

device   Fitted   Length   Connector   Cable     Nominal
         loss                loss       loss      loss
         (dB)      (mm)      (dB)      (dB/m)    (dB/m)
DUT1    0.0196     126      0.0019     0.1405      ?
DUT2    0.0600     328      0.0019     0.1771    0.1571
DUT3    0.0288     152      0.0019     0.1770    0.1571
DUT4    0.0581     318      0.0019     0.1767    0.1571
long    0.6738    4031      0.0019     0.1667    0.1571

Table 3 Dissipative losses splitted in cable and connector losses. As a comparison a long cable is measured. The cables are about 20 years old.