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FW: RE: 2 questions (W3SZ Oct 14 2002)

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-linrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-linrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of W3SZ
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 2:45 AM
To: linrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [linrad] 2 questions

Hi, Conrad!

Thanks for the note!

I don't plan to just use any one receiver.  I am enjoying playing with
and comparing my homebrew receiver and the Time Machine, and I plan to
play with all 3 once I receive the WSE RS2500.  So when I am using the
Rx2500, I will of course use all 4 inputs for it, 2 for each polarity
channel I/Q.  But otherwise, and right now, I alternate between HF and
LF using the Time Machine, HF and LF using one channel of the homebrew
receiver (non-I/Q mode), and 144 MHz dual polarity using both channels
of the homebrew receiver.  With any of these non-RX2500 combinations, it
would be nice to proceed as I outlined.  If I could do so, I'd only need
to switch cables when I went from the RX2500 to one of the other radios
or vice versa, and not with EVERY change of radios.

So the only thing you missed was my plan to keep using all of the
hardware rather than only using the RX2500 after it arrives.  And my
wanting to solve the problem so I don't need to keep swapping cables
until the RX2500 arrives.  Since I have pretty much ended up using
Linrad as my receiver for everything (LF, HF, and VHF and up) this cable
swapping occurs pretty often. ;) 

Since the Delta44 input box as provided by the M Audio people has 4
inputs and 4 outputs, it would be nice if use could be made of them as I
outlined, rather than making up yet another switch box, or fumbling with
cables.  But I was too lazy to try all of the menu choices in Linrad,
and I thought Leif might have already done the experiment to see if it
could be done.  If he didn't, then I'll do it.

As for the PS, I can get my hands on a very nice commercial unit that
will handle 1.5 amps, for a really good deal.  That could then replace
my homebuilt device.  But I can't get such a deal on a commercial 3 amp
device (or anything other than the 1.5 amp unit).  That is why I was
being so parsimonious with the ma's.  Getting 2 1.5 amp units would make
the deal much less attractive.  My homebrew +/- 15 V unit that I use
with the homebrew receiver works fine, but I can't resist a good deal.

As regards the difficultis of math, etc these days which you commented
on:  when I look at that stuff now I have no clue as to how I ever
learned it 30 years ago, or why I can't remember any of it now, or why
it is so hard to understand now (compared to then).  Please no comments
about being a child of the '60's and what effect that might have on
memory cells ;)

Have a great week, and 


Roger Rehr
W3SZ   FN20ah
2 Merrymount Road
Reading, PA  19609-1718