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[Linrad] MAP65-not-IQ display oddities and doesn't decode
- Subject: [Linrad] MAP65-not-IQ display oddities and doesn't decode
- From: jeff millar <gmail.com; wa1hco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:55:37 -0400
Guys...thanks for your help so far.
MAP65-not-IQ now runs stably with Linrad and unicast and the waterfall
display shows the band, but something about the calibration of
frequencies seems off. Hopefully the attached screen capture doesn't
blow up the mail server or irritate people. Notice the following in the
* QSO on 144.130 according to ping jockey (W7MEM)
* Linrad waterfall (not shown) shows EME signal on .131-.132 (USB
1KHz tones, etc)
* EME signal shows up on the MAP65 upper display between .129 and
.130 ???
* Green cursor on upper at .130
* Signals on lower display show at 250 Hz up from 0 Hz
The softrock has it's zero frequency output at .125 and that displays
correctly on the linrad waterfall. zero frequency on the MAP65 display
shows up at .122.5. The frequency box in linrad show 144.125, the
"freq" parameter in par_ssb_fg is [144.12495600000].
In addition to these oddities, MAP65 doesn't decode, even with signals
strong enough to hear by ear. I thought maybe IQ got reversed but the
signal generator shows up on the right frequencies in linrad and about
right in MAP65. The lower graph shows sync on the left and data tones
on the right, which matches what WSJT shows.
Maybe someone recognizes how I've managed to mess this up. I'm soooo
One last bug report. If I close the band and messages windows, the
command window show some errors with "tkinter" in them and the main
MAP65 window stops working... but the waterfall continues normally.
jeff, wa1hco
Joe Taylor wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> I expect that your problem may have to do with Linrad not knowing
> anything about the frequency that your SoftRock is receiving. Therefore
> Linrad can't send correct frequency information to MAP65. MAP65
> expects to see a center frequency label as part of each data packet
> received from Linrad.
> I'm leaving for the airport in a few minutes; next week I'll be home
> again and will make you a special version of MAP65 that should let you
> operate this way. In the meantime, you might let us know what frequency
> your Softrock is tuned to. Is it constant? Do you have 1 144-to-28 (or
> some such) converter ahead of it?
> -- 73, Joe, K1JT
> jeff millar wrote:
>> Here's some more information about the crash of MAP65 under Win XP
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