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[linrad] Re: Testing MAP65 v0.8

Joe Taylor wrote:

My earlier problem with dropped multicast packets seems to be fixed in MAP65 v0.8. However, when running the Linrad-MAP65 combination on two separate computers I still have some network-related problems. Perhaps someone on this list who knows much more than I about networking can help.
My computer network looks like this:

        ADSL      10 Mb/s  --> Computer_A
DSL --> Modem --> Ethernet --> Computer_B
                  Hub            |
                           --> Computer_C

Three computers are connected to a 10 Mb/s Ethernet Hub.
Have you considered replacing the hub with a 100 Mbps full-duplex 
Ethernet switch? There are many advantages in this over a hub.
Computer_A is my XYL's machine. Computer_B runs Windows 2000 Pro, and Computer_C runs Linux (presently the Kubuntu 6.06 distribution). In addition to the connections of all three machines to the hub, a crossover cable makes a direct 100 Mb/s connection between computers B and C.
The ethernet interfaces on B and C appear to be configured correctly.  
On Linux they appear as eth0 and eth1 (occasionally they boot up as eth0 
and eth2, I don't know why???).
This is configurable, generally, and should be fixed if you intend to 
use interface based static routes. Check here for more info on iftab 

Connections to the Hub are assigned dynamic IP addresses;
I assume these addresses are in the 192.168.1.x range?

I assigned hard-coded addresses and for the direct inter-machine connection
between B and C.

I can use the 100 Mb/s direct line for many purposes. I can ping over it in either direction; I can ssh into Linux from Windows; I can use Cygwin/X (as described above) to display Linux X programs on the Windows screen.
However, I cannot seem to persuade Windows 2000 Pro to accept multicast 
packets over the direct line.  When I run Linrad on computer C and MAP65 
on B, the multicast traffic is always received over the slow line, 
through the Hub. This uses most of the 10 Mb/s link's bandwidth, and my 
wife can't read her email when I'm on the air.  This is NOT GOOD.
An Ethernet switch would eliminate this, as traffic passing between two 
machines (B-C) does not use any bandwidth, nor is it seen, by any other 
machines. Internet access by machine A would be unaffected by a transfer 
occurring between machines B and C. Machine A would not see the traffic, 
nor would there be any contention for bandwidth on it's connection 
because of the B-C traffic.
By default the multicast traffic generated by Computer_C goes to eth0. I can use the Linux "route" command to explicitly tell the system to use eth0:
# route add -net netmask dev eth0

This works fine (but of course, still sends the heavy multicast traffic through the hub). If I remove this routing instruction and instead enter
# route add -net netmask dev eth1

the multicast data are not received by MAP65 running on the other machine.

If I unplug the crossover cable from the Windows machine and instead plug it into a laptop running Win/XP, the laptop receives the multicast packets without a problem.
Thus, it would seem that the problem must be in my setup of the Win2k 
machine -- the one with two ethernet interfaces. Can anyone shed any 
light on this situation for me?
Would there be sufficient bandwidth in a 100baseTx connection (100 Mbps 
full-duplex) to handle both of the networking streams, i.e. the hub and 
the direct stream? If so, replacing the inefficient hub with a faster 
switch, thus confining network traffic to only the ports of the involved 
machines, might solve the issue. This might allow you to eliminate the 
direct connection between machines B and C.
As to W2k the unicast and multicast routes are handled in separate 
tables, check here for more info:

Hope some of this is of some use :)

Rick Kunath, k9ao

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