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[linrad] Re: Linux distributions

richard wrote:
KD7HGL wrote:
Tarballs vs RPMs. At work I run a bunch of Redhat systems and I frequently need to uninstall an RPM and install something from source. This works just fine. The main thing to remember is to remove the RPM before installing the tarball. There is nothing wrong with keeping a system with both types of packages.
Oh I strongly, strongly, utterly, indisputedly disagree, if you remove a 
RPM you break the dependencies on other packages that use the same RPM
Thanks for bring up a good point.

In my last email I was not suggesting to force the removal of a RPM and use a source package in it's place. If you remove a RPM and there are a lot of dependencies on that package then the system will tell you it needs to remove all of the packages that depend on it. In that case you need to decide if compiling all of those packages from source is worth the change you are trying to make.
In my experience I only have one program that uses libsvga, linrad.  I 
only know of one other libsvga program and that is for lirc, and they 
provide an X11 alternative.  In my case there is no dependency so not 
using the RPM is not preventing other RPMs from being used.
If you are using a lot of RPMs that depend on libsvga then it is 
probably important to leave the RPM in place so you can use those packages.
I have had the same experience with postfix.  I can remove the stock 
postfix RPM and install the latest postfix from source and not cause 
other problems on the system.  I think it all depends on the dependency 
of (or on) the RPM in question.
Thanks for encouraging me to be more clear on using tarballs and source 
vs RPMs.  I think both have value and you just need to be aware of the 
implications of that choice.
73, JOSH

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