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[linrad] Fwd: Re: svgalib 1.9.23 broken here

Hello, All,

Matan sent me a patch that fixes the problem with text not clearing properly from the screen when one goes from one window to the next with 1.9.23. If you have the problem, here is what worked for me:

1. put the patch in a file named patchvga.h [or any other name; just change the command line]
2.  copy lrmi.c and lrmi.h from svgalib-1.9.21 to 1.9.23 src directory
3. patch vga.h with patch named patchvga.h that is in svgalib-1.9.23 directory using command: patch src/vga.h -i patchvga.h
4.  gedit vga.h and replace all [2] instances of LRMI_regs with vm86_regs.
5.  then make uninstall, make clean, make install, make demoprogs

The patch is here:

--- svgalib-1.9.23/src/vga.h2005-10-04 16:36:55.000000000 +0300
+++ svgalib-1.9.24/src/vga.h2005-10-31 20:09:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@

/* Don't use linear in vga modes (even 320x200x256). It does not work with some
  * cards. */
-#define CAN_USE_LINEAR (__svgalib_modeinfo_linearset & LINEAR_USE & !STDVGAMODE(CM)) +#define CAN_USE_LINEAR ((__svgalib_modeinfo_linearset & LINEAR_USE) && !STDVGAMODE(CM))
     typedef struct {
 int width;

---------------------end of patch.

You need to make sure that email doesn't break any of the lines for you. if it does, the patch won't work until you fix it. If you want the patch as an attachment, let me know.
The order in which things are done seems to be important.  When I applied  
the patch after editing the vga.h file things didn't work.
Hope that helps.



Roger Rehr

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