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Re: [linrad] Need circuit for 122 MHz crystal oscillator
Brian Teravskis wrote:
> I too have been looking at a low phase noise crystal oscillators around
> 100 MHz for use in a Tayloe Detector design for a 50 MHz DC receiver. I
> was going to use a circuit found in QEX (90 MHz oscillator for a 6 meter
> transverter, Sept, 1995, page 27), but have been questioning this choice
> with the interesting reference below and the following reference:
> http://www.ieee-uffc.org/freqcontrol/tutorials/FCS%20Tutorials%2000/Driscoll%20html/Driscoll_files/frame.htm
> The article by Chris Bartram referenced below has a diagram of a
> Driscoll Oscillator, but it is unreadable. Does anyone have a better
> copy of this diagram?
> Regards,
> Brian
> At 09:10 AM 6/20/2004 +0100, you wrote:
>> KJ7F wrote:
>>> Gang,
>>> I am considering buying the Time Machine for use with my 432 to 28
>>> Mhz transverter for EME and Linrad. I want to get the daughter
>>> board to use with it. That means that I need to make a 112 MHz
>>> crystal oscillator to use the Time Machine with the 28 MHz output of
>>> my transverter. Does any one have a suggestion for a good circuit
>>> for a 112 MHz crystal oscillator using a 5th or 7th overtone
>>> crystal? Of course a low phase noise design would be best.
>>> Terry KJ7F
>> Terry have a look at this link, it may help.
>> http://www.chris-bartram.co.uk/Martlesham%20Presentation.htm
>> Richard
e=-mail Chris, He's a nice guy and sure to help