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[linrad] Re: Linrad-01.34


At 12:23 AM 5/13/2005 +0200, you wrote:
Hi All,

The Knoppix CD is a good beginning on making Linrad available
to non-Linux users. Linrad-01.34 tries to ease one of the
remaining difficulties by supplying a setup for svgalib by
allowing the user to select the mouse type and to set the
appropriate sync rates for the monitor from within Linrad.
This is done by making Linrad change the configuration file
(/etc/vga/libvga.config) This way the new user does not
have to find out how to use a text editor under Linux.
It is now possible to test all the mouse types fairly
rapidly although knowing what to specify is certainly

By not including any par_userint file in the Knoppix CD
the user will be prompted with a question if he wants to
change the svgalib configuration file. It is possible
to try different sync rates. If the screen goes black
the reason could be that the sync rates are incorrect.
Pressing T on the black screen will give an opportunity
to try other sync rates.

The remaining problem is the soundcard setup (mixer) as
indicated by the recent posting from Mike, W5UC.

I do not know where ossmix is located under the Knoppix CD
but I hope someone else can supply the answer. Probably OSS
has to be installed before ossmix can be used. (run oss-install?)
Maybe Mike is still using ALSA ?

There is one possible problem in having both ALSA and OSS in the
same installation because if Linrad finds that OSS files are
present while the configure script is executed, the header file
for the sound system will  be taken from OSS even if ALSA
is run and that means that Linrad thinks 32 bit sampling is
supported. I do not have enough experience with ALSA to
know if that could lead to any problems.


Leif / SM5BSZ

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