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[linrad] Re: New Knoppix CD uploaded

I'm not sure about a howto for md5, but you basically need to get the program (easily to comile from source) and run it on a file:
md5sum filename
or md5sum file1, file2, file3 etc

and it will print the length(s) of the file in bytes, followed by the checksum(s). There's a page with more information, but really you don't need it.

Sometimes I have known the program to be installed with the name md5sum, and other times as md5.

I think it forms part of one of the GNU utilities, but the source is widely available (see above)

Dr. David Kirkby PhD CEng MIEE,
Senior Research Fellow,
Department of Medical Physics,
Mallet Place Engineering Building,
Gower St,
University College London,
London WC1E 6BT.

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