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[linrad] Re: Linux Strikes Again

I did the video card swap that I discussed previously. The SiS 6326 works very well with the settings that you listed below.
I'm just not communicating to you what I want to do.  I probably 
misinterpreted the instruction about sudo.  I don't know how to explain 
it.  I'll continue to work with the CD.

At 05:26 PM 5/25/2005 +0000, you wrote:
Hi, Mike,

I had no expectation that you wanted to put things on HD. You had indicated a problem when typing 'sudo'. Although that was due to an incorrect file name being typed after 'sudo', I took the opportunity to explain a bit to the list about sudo in case others were thinking of using it. I did this because of responses to the list about your email.
Things will never 'go away' when you reboot with a hard disk install.  To 
keep them from doing so with CD boot you need to proceed as previously 
outlined in terms of saving configuration and disk image.
You need to uncomment both 'vesa' and 'vesatext'.



> At 07:10 AM 5/25/2005 -0400, you wrote:
> >You don't NEED to enter 'sudo' after typing 'su'.  But it will not 'hurt'
> >anything to do so in my experience
> GM Roger and all:
> Maybe I am confused, or have confused the issue.  What I do NOT want to do
> is a standard HDD install in which all of the stuff I need goes away. There
> will not be any days like that again for this old boy.  What I DID want to
> do was to was to be able to have all the files and folders from the CD
> xfered to the HDD in the same exact form,and be able to run from the HDD as
> if I were working from the CD.  The hope and expectation is that I would
> gain the speed of working from the HDD, but retain the simplicity of the
> CD.  That is the reason the CD is such a tremendous asset to me. I had
> simply hoped to squeeze out a little more speed.  If it can't happen, it
> just can't happen.
> I hope this doesn't reopen old wounds and controversies, but please allow
> me to restate my goals which are:
> Turn on the computer.
> Launch Linrad ( The reason I am here in the first place).
> Make the noise go away.
> Hear the signal.
> OK.... get a grip.... are you ready for this?  Beyond that I have
> absolutely no interest in Linux.
> Regarding the video, I have been uncommenting the part where it just says
> the display system is vesa.  I will look at it and try the vesatext
> comment. Do I uncomment both, or does this confuse the system?
> Thanks all,
> 73,
> Mike, W5UC
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