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Re: [linrad] Great Book
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----- Original Message -----
From: w3sz <w3sz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <linrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 1:31 AM
Subject: [linrad] Great Book
> Hello, All!
> Well I got another GREAT book in the mail today that might be of
> interest to those of you building analog front ends for Linrad.
> It is the ARRL's "Experimental Methonds in RF Design", by Wes Hayward,
> W7ZOI; Rick Campbell, KK7B; and Bob Larkin, W7PUA.
> It has 12 Chapters, titled:
> Getting Started
> Amplifier Design Basics
> Filters and Impedance Matching Circuits
> Oscillators and Frequency Synthesis
> Mixers and Frequency Multipliers
> Transmitters and Receivers
> Measurement Equipment
> Direct Conversion Receivers
> Phasing Receivers and Transmitters
> DSP Components
> DSP Applications in Communications
> Field Operation, Portable Gear, and Integrated Stations
> There is also a CD ROM
> I am currently reading the chapter on mixers.
> It has loads of helpful information including sentences like:
> "Mini-Circuits +7dBm mixers are specifed for an input 1 dB compression
power of +1 esBm. A rule of thumb states that the input intercept of a
diode mixer is 10 to 15 dB above P(-1dB), placing IIP3 at +11 to +16 dBm.
These values are inline with our measurements for the TUF-1 and SBL-1".
> and
> "Most mixer manufacturers also build mixers specified for LO power of +17
dBm. These mixers usually use 2 series diodes in each leg of an otherwise
conventional ring. Once example, the TUF-1H, has a +14 dBM value for
P(-1db), placing IIP3 at +24 dBm or higher".
> It also discusses the importance of proper termination at all frequencies,
gives examples, suitable amplifiers, references, etc...
> The oscillator chapter has a section on "Noise in Amplifiers":, with
subheadings of "The Effects of Phase Noise", and "Designing Quiet
Oscillators". They use the K7HFD oscillator as an example of a low phase
noise high power amplifier (+17 dBm at 10 MHz). At 10 KHz from carrier this
has -156 dBc/Hz noise.
> The section on Direct Conversion Receivers gives a very good discussion of
the practical difficulties of building one at VHF frequencies,with an
extensive discussion of the cures for and consequences of LO leakage, for
> The Section on DSP is outstanding as well.
> The book can be purchased via the ARRL website.
> http://www.arrl.org
> 73,
> Roger
> W3SZ
> --
> Roger Rehr
> W3SZ
> 2 Merrymount Road
> Reading, PA 19609
> http://www.qsl.net/w3sz