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RE: [linrad] linrad/OSS
Hi Heinz,
> It is frustrating. I stumble from one problem to the next.
> Now I'm stucking with OSS.
> I downloaded it to /usr/oss, unziped it and made tar.
> But if I want to install it, I get the following message:
> "Unfortunately the OSS/Linux installation package doesn't contain
> precompiled modules for the kernel version your system is running.
> You can try to compile the soundshield module locally. This
> requires that your system has a compiler (gcc) and the related
> development tool (make and binutils) as well as the header files
> for the currantly active kernel installed. Hit the "Compile
> locally" botton"
I recently tried to install the latest OSS here with the same result.
Compile locally did not work:(
Fortunately I found an older version of OSS that works.
I will try to make older OSS available but I will discuss it
with 4-Front first.
Leif / SM5BSZ