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Re: [linrad] my first Linux installation.
Hallo Peter
ik ben erin geslaagd linux 9.1 te bemachtigen en ik had de bedoeling dit op
een pc te zetten waarop win95 draait. Ik heb nog een tweede harddisk van 2
gb over dewelke ik zou willen gebruiken voor Linrad. Ik weet echter niet wat
te doen om de drie cds op de harddrive te zetten. Bij windows is het gewoon
install doch bij linux gaat dat niet.
Men spreekt ook van een bootdiskette of zo iets doch daar ken ik ook niets
van. Ik weet niet zoveel af van pc's hi.
Kan jij me enige raadgevingen toesturen
73s Johan on7uc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter van Daalen" <vandaalen@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <linrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2003 5:22 AM
Subject: [linrad] my first Linux installation.
> Hi all,
> I installed ( for the very first time ) Linux RH 8.0 ( Psyche ).
> Good that you didn't watch my heart beat.
> In did opt for Desktop Installation with GNOME and KDE ( meanwhile I do
> understand what GNOME and KDE are about ) and much more ( since, naive as
> I - still - am, I did install ALL packages... which I should not do
> anymore.... ).
> Installation seemed to be flawlessly.
> I installed as root - me - only.
> However, after having completed the installation and after rebooting I get
> stuck.
> The first screen after boot up asks for my ISP system name + password.
> My ( correct ! ) ISP node code is on the prompting screen.
> But, my - appropiate - login name and password are rejected.
> The other buttons ( down left under ) " languages " and " system " don't
> offer any possibility to go around the sticking ISP connection screen.
> I tried in my recklessness - in the option " microcode I " during boot
> in which one can in- and exclude all services - to exclude the ISP
> connection service, but this don't work ( well, I mean it is me who can't
> work .. :-), at least at this very first moment, but, with your help,
> wait and see...
> Disconnecting my Linux computer from the cable modem doesn't help.
> The first screen after boot asks for login and password at "
> domain.localdomain " or some rubbish like that.
> Should I reinstall and exclude the ISP connection ?
> This would be a pity ...
> Oh yes, I did pay my ISP fee in due time.
> And I checked my login and password with the ISP under Windows 2000 and
> is OK.
> Any RH8 addict who can help me ?
> Thanks.
> 73, Peter PE1ECM