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Re: [linrad] Buying the Linux PC for Linrad use.
Sorry, I did not get a chance to comment and acknowledge the
important comments in your email - that is - onboard chipsets be it
audio or video may not have Linux drivers for them - very good point.
Another point that I missed in my email to Jim that is equally important
is that - the receiving capabilities of these DSP based radio programs
(Linard, DSP-10, DSR-1000 ?) can receive RFI emissions orders of
magnitude under Group 1 Class B RFI limits - you still may have to
ferrite bead, copper tape or screen stuff up... Either way "your mileage
my vary" considering how far your antenna is located from your Pc.
It is truely amazing how many "dirty clocks" I can hear around &
outside my house. A simple thing as a document scanner is a real
"dirty bird," it cannot be enclosed is a metal box if I want to scan
papers papers - right? (My Visioneer Paperport scanner opens the
squelch on my 10, 6 and 2 meter radios.)
Incidently, Leif's box modifications aren't all that outragious - I have
had to do things like that to switcher power supplies to prevent self
jamming in my companies Ultrasound product.
dave garnier - wb9own
Colburn wrote:
> This is in my Sent box from yesterday but somehow never made it to the
> list.
> Can anyone recommend an equally rf-quiet mobo made by someone other than
> Intel, please? I have had nothing but bad experiences with on-board
> sound, video, and nics.
> Off-mobo eases upgrades and when the video/sound/network card fails one
> doesn't have to hope the on-board circuits can be totally bypassed --
> else live with artifacts.
> Also, anyone seen a 12VDC vs 120VAC input power supply for a desktop ATX
> case? I'd like to really isolate it from the utility feed by running it
> on a battery.
> Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
> On Fri, 2003-07-04 at 02:01, David Garnier wrote:
> > Hi Jim,
> >
> > If you piecing together your own system you would find motherboards
> > (in general) aren't all that expensive. Retail boxed Intel motherboards
> > are generally price competitive. For example, a year ago the Intel
> > 845GBV board we used in product retailed for about $95. This board
> > was attrative because it was highly integrated: (onboard I/O, 10-100
> > ethernet, 4 USB's (2 were USB 2.0,) Intel's Extream Graphics chipset,
> > 4 PCI slots.) The big minus in the Intel solution is the P4 pricing and
> > DDR pricing... If you don't need bleeding edge performance the
> > pricing of P3 CPU's and ram are real attractive. At Dayton I was
> > looking at a P3 Intel retail mother board for $75 dollars (Intel board
> > guarantee is 3 years) and 1.X Ghz CPU is about the same price.
> > Gateway is using Intel motherboards in some of their products. In fact
> > those brand new P3 Intel boards were being solde by that same
> > vendor for $45 dollars...
> >
> > Try this once. Go to Pricewatch.com once, search on motherboards,
> > then on Intel once, check the prices once.
> > http://www.pricewatch.com/2/2/32-1.htm
> >
> > It's getting late, I will look at the PCUSA tomorrow... There have
> > been a couple threads in the past 2 years on the IEEE EMC listserve
> > on which quiet PC's are used... HP Vectra's and some Dell's were
> > some favorites. Buying used is another option. More later.
> > 73's and goodnite. dave garnier