The spectrum of an Orion2 emitting SSB at full power on 14 MHz.
The speech processor is off.
The serial number is 09C1096 and the software version 2.37.
This figure has 668 pixels for 100 dB and the following
results are obtained for the average power in 2.4 kHz bandwidth:
Offset dY dY Corrected dY
(kHz) (pixels) (dB) (dB)
0 0 0 0
5 190 28.4 28.6
10 310 46.4 46.9
15 383 57.3 58.2
20 429 64.2 65.4
30 486 72.8 74.2
The spectrum of an Orion2 emitting SSB at full power on 14 MHz.
The speech processor is on.
The serial number is 09C1096 and the software version 2.37.
This figure has 668 pixels for 100 dB and the following
results are obtained for the average power in 2.4 kHz bandwidth:
Offset dY dY Corrected dY
(kHz) (pixels) (dB) (dB)
0 0 0 0
5 192 28.7 28.9
10 319 47.8 48.3
15 398 59.6 60.5
20 435 65.1 66.3
30 488 73.0 74.4