The spectrum of an IC-7000 emitting SSB at full power on 14 MHz.
The speech processor is off.
The serial number is 1008.
This figure has 668 pixels for 100 dB and the following
results are obtained for the average power in 2.4 kHz bandwidth:
Offset dY dY Corrected dY
(kHz) (pixels) (dB) (dB)
0 0 0 0
5 243 37.8 38.0
10 293 45.6 46.1
15 330 51.5 52.4
20 382 59.5 60.7
30 493 76.8 78.2
The spectrum of an IC-7000 emitting SSB at full power on 14 MHz.
The speech processor is on.
The serial number is 1008.
This figure has 668 pixels for 100 dB and the following
results are obtained for the average power in 2.4 kHz bandwidth:
Offset dY dY Corrected dY
(kHz) (pixels) (dB) (dB)
0 0 0 0
5 215 33.5 33.7
10 291 45.3 45.8
15 324 50.5 51.4
20 373 58.1 59.3
30 477 74.3 75.7