Spectrum of a pulse generator. This spectrum is normally used to calibrate Linrad to give a flat frequency respons and an optimised pulse response.

This time the computer was equipped with a Linrad version under work for which the calibration procedure did not work. and therefore measurements have to be corrected manually for the frequency response of the receiver hardware.

Raw data from the image. 
X and Y are coordinates of the red curve,
the average power in 2.4 kHz bandwidth.
The vertical scale has 641 pixels for 100 dB (0.0156 dB/pixel).

Frequency       X        Y          dX       dY
  (kHz)     (pixels)  (pixels)   (pixels)   (dB)
  7.6         92        576        13       2.0
  10         118        580         9       1.4
  15         171        587         2       0.3
  20         225        589         0       0.0
  25         278        589         0       0.0
  30         332        588         1       0.2
  35         385        586         3       0.5
  40         438        583         6       0.9
  45         491        581         8       1.2
  50         545        581         8       1.2
  55         598        580         9       1.4 
  60         652        582         7       1.1
  65         705        583         6       0.9
  70         758        585         4       0.6
  75         812        585         4       0.6
  80         866        584         5       0.8
  85         919        581         8       1.2
  90         973        573        16       2.5
  92.2       997        568        21       3.3